Posted on 10/31/2024

Ever found yourself driving down the road, only to have your windows fog up? Not only does it obstruct your view, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t clear it quickly. Fogged-up windows are a common issue, especially during colder months or humid conditions. So, what causes this to happen, and more importantly, how can you prevent it? What Causes Car Windows to Fog Up Fogged-up windows occur when there’s a difference in temperature between the inside and outside of your car. Warm, moist air inside the car comes into contact with the cold glass, leading to condensation, which forms a foggy layer on the windows. Humidity, wet clothing, or even breathing in a closed environment can increase moisture inside your vehicle, worsening the problem. Turn On Your Defroster for Immediate Relief One of the quickest and most efficient ways to clear foggy windows is by using your car’s defroster. The defroster works by blowing warm, dry ai ... read more