Posted on 9/1/2017

Although Complete Automatic works mostly with gasoline powered cars, we also service hybrids as they are becoming more popular. With the high gas prices and growing environmental issues, the hybrid is gaining more appeal. Our team is always up-to-date with the most current technologies. With any big investment, it’s wise to weigh the pros and cons. Hybrid Car Pros Hybrid cars emit fewer gases and burn less fossil fuel. When you drive to a stop, the gas engine doesn’t run so the car ends up burning less fuel. You’ll end up saving on maintenance since the car is not sensitive to engine overuse. Living in an urban environment involves slower driving. In these cases, hybrids might be a better option Hybrid Car Cons Although hybrids offer great fuel economy, they also are much more expensive than the traditional gas-powered vehicles of the same size. In most cases, hybrids do not fail frequently. When they do not function properly, repairs ca ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2017

The heat and the sun can cause damage to a car. There are many parts of a vehicle that are at risk. Whether you live in a place where the climate is warm all year or just doing the summer, it’s best to be prepared to keep your car protected from the sun. Protecting the exteriorWashing your car regularly helps remove dust particles and dirt that can cause scratches or dull your car’s finish. It’s also wise to wax your vehicle. A layer of wax between the sun’s ultraviolet rays and your vehicle’s finish helps with protection. A blowout on your automobile’s tires could occur during the extreme heat. Tires that aren’t properly inflated combined with hot pavement usually does not end well. You car’s manufacturer usually has recommendations for the tire pressure needed. Protecting the interior Parking in the shade is a simple way to protect your car from the heat. Your dash is less likely to dry and crack when your car is not in direct sunlight. You can also crack the ... read more