The heat and the sun can cause damage to a car. There are many parts of a vehicle that are at risk. Whether you live in a place where the climate is warm all year or just doing the summer, it’s best to be prepared to keep your car protected from the sun.
Protecting the exterior
Washing your car regularly helps remove dust particles and dirt that can cause scratches or dull your car’s finish. It’s also wise to wax your vehicle. A layer of wax between the sun’s ultraviolet rays and your vehicle’s finish helps with protection. A blowout on your automobile’s tires could occur during the extreme heat. Tires that aren’t properly inflated combined with hot pavement usually does not end well. You car’s manufacturer usually has recommendations for the tire pressure needed.
Protecting the interior
Parking in the shade is a simple way to protect your car from the heat. Your dash is less likely to dry and crack when your car is not in direct sunlight. You can also crack the windows to lessen the temperature inside your automobile. Using a sun protector for the windshield is also very effective in keeping your car cool and preventing damage. Another way to protect the interior of your car is wiping the dash with a microfiber cloth to remove the dust that could cause scratches over time.
Under the hood Protection
The cooling system is there to keep your engine from overheating. In order to help protect your engine from overheating. Be sure that the belts are functioning properly and that the antifreeze is at the right level. Your vehicle’s manufacturer can recommend how often the coolant should be drained. Transmission fluid, power steering fluid, brake fluid, and motor oil should be checked on a regular basis. Have a professional auto mechanic check the charging system and battery regularly because high temperatures can cause failure. Be certain that the air conditioning is in optimal condition too. If not, it could indicate that the refrigerant charge level is not high enough and there’s a more serious problem.
We at Complete Automotive pride ourselves in being the leader in the automotive industry due to our expert car service repairs and outstanding customer service. Our knowledgeable technicians are the best in the industry and want to make sure that your car is not damaged from the heat.free. If you’re interested in having us inspect your vehicle, please contact us. We are located at 2238 E Chestnut Expy. Springfield, Mo. 65802.