Posted on 8/1/2018

During the hot weather, there's the possibility that your car could overheat. At the first sign of overheating, turn off your air conditioner and open your windows. This will lessen the load on the engine. Turn on the heat and blower if the vehicle continues to overheat. This moves the heat from the engine to the passenger compartment of the automobile. If the temperature gauge is rising and you're stopped in traffic, shift into Park or Neutral and rev the engine a bit. This allows the fan and the water pump to speed up and draws enough fluid and air through the radiator. Your vehicle will cool off when there is an increase of liquid and air circulation. Avoid riding your brakes. Move along slowly in stop-and-go traffic. Braking repeatedly causes brake drag, and that increases the load on the engine which leads to more overheating. If traffic is crawling, drive up only when the gap between your car and the car in front of you gets too big. If you feel that your automobile is ... read more