Posted on 1/1/2018

It’s true. Driverless cars are here. The revolution of the self-driving car is building—and will alter our everyday lives in ways, major and minor. The transition may take longer than industry leaders had wished but its eventual impact on the world we live in is impossible to ignore. There are many reasons to get excited about an autonomous car. Driverless automobiles will eliminate distraction and human error, major causes of accidents. So basically, self-driving cars could save lives! Also, people who spend long periods driving will have the opportunity to use their time in the car for work or leisure. So when can we enjoy the benefits of the autonomous car? By 2020, driverless automobiles will start to be noticeable on the roads. It’s projected that 95% of new vehicles sold, will be fully autonomous by 2040. This means big business. Google, Tesla, and Apple are tech companies that take pride in combining software and hardware, the basics of ... read more