Posted on 1/31/2021

February 2021 is here at last, and romantic love is in the air! Spring is on the way, Valentine’s is two weeks away, and the Super Bowl is just a week away! Even with all of the things COVID19 has done to try and ruin our rites of passage, America is still working, still protecting each other, still thriving. For many people, the past few months have been a dark and scary time. Springfield’s population has an optimism that carries them through the worst parts of history, and it’s time that we call on that. It’s essential to show love right now and deal with anger. Let’s look at five ways we can show love to one another in February and the benefits: Looking out for each other. All it takes is a small gesture of care to give a person the sense that they are not alone in this world. Acknowledge the people you see, make space for each other, offer to hold a door open. Just a small campaign of this kind of love can ripple out in our communit ... read more