Posted on 7/31/2020

Summer is flying by -- we can't believe it is August already! For many of us parents, August means back-to-school season, and soon enough, our little ones will be heading back to school in late August. We recognize how busy August can get for parents, which is why the team at Complete Automotive wants to help ease your stress levels. During this busy month, we don't want you to worry about your vehicle's condition. Leave that to our technicians. When it comes to auto repair, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If you are driving your kiddos around, whether that it is to school or even to the grocery store to grab those last-minute snacks, your precious packages need to be protected while cruising through the streets. To protect you, your children, and your vehicle, preventative maintenance is an absolute must. Before you are in the midst of school season and just swamped with a never-ending to-do list, stop by Complete Automotive. Our technicians will p ... read more