Posted on 5/1/2019

There absolutely is a place for common sense when it comes to diagnostics. There is much you can do on your own and it always helps when you can share with us, your trusted auto repair facility, as much as you can about what you’ve come up with using your common sense when it comes to diagnosing the issues your vehicle is presenting. First off, it’s essential to care for your vehicle and regularly take it in for preventative maintenance. There are some simple, do it yourself, diagnostics that you perform from the comfort of your home. These DIY tests can assist you in determining whether you need to bring your vehicle into your favorite automotive repair shop. These tests can help communicate, locate, or diagnose a problem with your car to your mechanic. All you need for these tests are your natural senses: feel, hear, see, or smell. There will not be any taste tests involved! These tests will help you be more specific in describing what issues your ve ... read more