Posted on 11/30/2022

If you're like most drivers, you probably don't think about your car's fuel system until there's a problem. And by that point, it may be too late. A clogged fuel filter or dirty injectors can cause all sorts of engine problems, from poor performance to complete failure. That's why it's important to have your fuel system cleaned on a regular basis. In this blog-post, we discuss four signs that it's time for a fuel system cleaning. Car Fuel System Cleaning A fuel system cleaning is a simple, preventative maintenance procedure that can help avoid more costly repairs in the future. It's always a good idea to practice preventative maintenance on your vehicle and simple way is by regularly cleaning the fuel system. So, how do you know when it's time for a fuel system cleaning? Below are four signs to look for.1. Check Engine Light is On - the engine light is one of the most common indicators that something is ... read more