Posted on 9/1/2018
It doesn't get much better than driving on the open highway alone or with loved ones listening to tunes that soothe our souls. Besides, it’s fun feeling like you’re living inside a musical. Here are some songs that are sure to have you belting, feeling joy, and just being in the moment as these tunes enhance the vibe as you drive. “Ramble On” by Led Zeppelin It’s hard not to tap your fingers and sing along to this song that comes with a message. Driving and rambling on seem to go hand in hand. We just always need to be moving forward regardless of what life serves us. “I want to Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles This song is the epitome of joy and hope. The Fab Four have the gift of bringing a festive touch to any room (or vehicle.) “Walls” by Tom Petty “Some days are diamonds Some days are rocks Some doors are open Some roads are blocked” This song reminds us that life is a tapestry of experiences and ... read more