Posted on 9/30/2022

If your car's cooling system seems to mulfanction, it could lead to severe problems—including engine damage. That's why it's essential to be aware of the signs that your cooling system may be in trouble, so you can take action before it's too late. Here are the top signs the cooling system is in trouble1. Engine is overheating If the engine temperature gauge reads higher than the average reading or steam comes under the hood, the engine is overheating. Continued overheating can cause engine damage which also affects the cooling system. Such problems need immediate response to avoid more damage. 2. Leaking coolant If your car is leaking coolant, it signifies a leak in your cooling system. Coolant leaks can mean holes in the radiator or a loose connection between the cooling system and the hoses. Such issues need professional help so that they may find the cause of the leakage. 3. Low coolant level ... read more