Welcome to the April blog! This month, we’re thinking about the temptations of Spring and jealous hearts.
We depend a great deal on our cars. This has been especially true in pandemic. Our little contained environments may not entirely shut out COVID-19, but they at least give us the confidence to operate in a stressful situation, making us feel safer.
When our car lets us down, it can damage the trust we have in it. We’re only human, and sometimes, it’s easy to blame the decline of a car on the car itself. The irony of this is lost on us, as our vehicles are entirely dependent on us to care for them.
It’s hard not to fall in love with a newer model when you’re angry with your current car. If you feel let-down and cheated, it’s easy to want to break from your current car and go for something newer, shinier, with better features and the factory warranty still intact.
It’s important to remember that the day will come when time and tide will catch up with our vehicle. No matter how hard we work to maintain it, there’s a good chance we’ll lose our car and be forced to buy a new model. And we will miss certain familiarities we had with our vehicle when it was ours.
What we’re saying is: your vehicle is a member of your family, and deserves respect. If you can save it, make it up with the car you have. Your vehicle needs your support and understanding when it’s letting you down. It needs you to believe in it, and more importantly, invest in it’s recovery. It’s most important to take care of the car we have and save towards the day we need another car. Jumping ship is a costly endeavor, and it suggests a disloyalty that will haunt you. Or, your wallet!
Our Lifetime Protect Plan is helpful in our goal to get your vehicle to 300,000 miles and beyond. Let us show you how to get 300,000 miles or more out of your car with proper maintenance. To hear more about the plan, contact Complete Automotive for more details.You can find Complete Automotive at 2238 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO, 65802; our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Timely Professional Affordable Auto Service? We Can Help With That!