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Enjoying Spring in Springfield, MO
Every Midwesterner knows that Spring is a time of great unpredictability. We haven’t quite put away our Winter sweaters (because there could be snow on the horizon). Still, we will begin to pull out our Summer shorts (because it will be between 70-80 every once in a while). We are planning out this year’s garden, prepping this Summer’s vacation plans, and waiting for our cars to thaw out before going to work in the morning.
Things To Check In the Spring
If you think you’re living in limbo, imagine how your car feels. You might be switching between heat and AC weekly, and driving over snow then back-roading with the windows down in the same week. Now is an excellent time to check for damage done by the cold weather and prepare your car for the hot, humid days to come. This Spring, you should check your:
Tires. We’ve had a doozy of winter, and your tires may be ready for a replacement.
Air-Conditioning System. Spring is the perfect time to get your AC serviced, so you don’t have to spend any time in an uncomfortable vehicle when it gets warm.
Wipers. The snow and the rain have indeed done a number on your wipers. It may be time to get them replaced!
Brakes. Those ice storms can be rough on your brakes.
Filters. Spring pollen can saturate your air filters! When was the last time you checked the filters in your car?
Now is the time to plan for the warmer days of Spring and the upcoming Summer. Whether you plan on taking a road trip out of state or just down to Branson, your vehicle depends on you for preventative maintenance.
We Can Help!
Help us help youget the most out of Springtime in Springfield. Call us today to hear about our preventative maintenance offerings. And for shop updates, don’t forget to Like our Facebook page (or our Complete Automotive South page). You can find Complete Automotive at 2238 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO, 65802, and Complete Automotive South at 3220 S Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO; our hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Timely Professional Affordable Auto Service? Complete Automotive can help with that!