Photo by Jan Baborák on Unsplash
September is here again, and that means the latest crop of new drivers is getting learner’s permits and learning how to drive a car safely.
While the theoretical skills and knowledge of Driver Education are available for your student through the Springfield Public School System, there is no practical work, no cars to drive. When it comes time to teach your child the adult responsibility of operating an automobile, you will need a car and a safe space to teach your kid to drive that car.
There are driving schools you can use. We strongly recommend each new driver take a defensive driving course, as it can lower their insurance costs and help shake the yolk of obliviousness that tends to lead teens towards their first accident. If you need a driving instruction school, there are three in the area that comes well-rated:
LifeSkills Driving School - 1545 South Briar Avenue, Springfield, MO 65809
Roy Green Driving School - 1425 West Riverside Street, Springfield, MO 65807
Springfield Driving School - 3702 North Huntington Avenue, Springfield, MO
These schools have the right resources and teachers to give your kid a chance at safe driving. But, if you have the nerves for it, teaching your kid in your own car is considerably cheaper and a great bonding experience as they prepare to leave the nest. Here’s a list of places with big, empty parking lots that you can teach your child safe driving in:
Churches - on most Saturdays, church parking lots are empty. The larger churches have room to practice in many different areas.
Schools - with classes being primarily on the weekdays, your biggest concerns at local schools will be club activities. For this reason, elementary and middle schools better spots for driving lessons.
Business Parks - Many organizations keep bankers’ hours (only open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). You may need to make a few trips to the building on a Saturday to ensure no sudden traffic from an open company.
Government Buildings - As many government functions seem to shut down for the weekends, one can often find sprawling parking lots with very few cars in them.
Be aware that some organizations resent having their places used for their empty space. It’s best to ask, particularly with churches and government buildings, if you can have permission to train your child there. It’s also a good idea to ask your local DMV if there’s an available area to practice the driving test.
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