Image by Satya Tiwari from Pixabay
People can be very odd with their car. While a car is an inanimate object with no sense of pride or emotional connection, we put a bit of ourselves into cars the longer we own them: sometimes naming them, sometimes talking to them.
It’s funny and a bit sad, the way we sometimes treat our cars. Often, a person’s relationship with their vehicle reflects the way they date. Neglect and abuse are just as harmful to your car as your partner. But a car can’t give you children and can’t parent the children you have, so there’s less reason to stay ‘married’ to the car you have when a bright, shiny 2023 model shows up.
The general inhibitor in going with a new car is the cost.
It is expensive. But more than just the initial expense, there’s a number of factors to consider:
You will still have to spend the same money.
In fact, you’ll be spending a lot more of it, for the minor advantages a new car gives you.
You are still liable for the old car.
It still must be paid off or sold off– and if you haven’t taken good care of your car, you won’t likely get the kind of money you need to help you towards the new car.
It’s just repeating the same mistakes.
Sure, you might have months of reprieve from car troubles with a new car, but if you haven’t changed anything about the way you drive your car or care for it, what will be different?
What can be done?
If you still care for your old car, there’s a lot you can do to extend it’s life and protect it. It starts with bringing your car in to Complete Automotive for a check-up and let us evaluate the health of your vehicle.
Our Lifetime Protect Plan is a key piece in our goal to get your vehicle to 300,000 miles and beyond. Let us show you how to get 300,000 miles or more out of your car with proper maintenance. Click here to learn more about the plan, or call Complete Automotive for more details. And for shop updates, don’t forget to Like our Facebook page (or our Complete Automotive South page). You can find Complete Automotive at 2238 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO, 65802, and Complete Automotive South at 3220 S Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO; our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Timely Professional Affordable Auto Service? Complete Automotive can help with that!