Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash
With February, we have the romance of St. Valentine’s Day, and of course, the complicated math of tax season has begun! Within a month or two, we’ll be submitting our taxes and hoping for a good return on our taxes this year.
When the refund arrives, different Missourians will spend their refund on different things. Some will spend their refund on a luxury they’ve wanted, like a new computer or a brand new phone. Some will put it towards rent or utilities, or even put it in the bank where it can begin earning interest for them. Some will spend their refund on a much-needed vacation.
If you don’t have your tax return ear-marked for a debt or a crisis, we’d like you to reflect upon how much upkeep you have put into your vehicle this year. Not repairs to damage or neglect, but the maintenance of small things that are going wrong with your vehicle, before the small things cause your car to have big problems.
Preventive Maintenance doesn’t require a lot of money. It just requires being aware of when your vehicle will need things, and having the money set aside for that time. It’s proactive rather than reactive, and it’s the kind of work we prefer to do: the light repairs that keep you going. We do big repairs all day, and we’re fine with doing repairs, it puts food on our tables!
But if you want a little more food on your table, consider spending some of your tax refund on any car repairs you have left unanswered this autumn and winter. It will save you money in the long run and it will give you such a feeling of confidence and security. It’s such a responsible thing to do if you mean to keep your car for years to come, too.
Our Lifetime Protect Plan is a key piece in our goal to get your vehicle to 300,000 miles and beyond. Let us show you how to get 300,000 miles or more out of your car with proper maintenance. Click here to learn more about the plan, or call Complete Automotive for more details. And for shop updates, don’t forget to Like our Facebook page (or our Complete Automotive South page). You can find Complete Automotive at 2238 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO, 65802, and Complete Automotive South at 3220 S Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO; our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Timely Professional Affordable Auto Service? Complete Automotive can help with that!