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Welcome to 2022! With a turn of the calendar page, we set out in a new year full of possibility and growth. How will you approach this new year? Have you already made resolutions?
Sometimes resolutions get lost along the way of our busy lives. What were 2021’s resolutions? Did you manage to keep them? What aspect of your life were you hoping to benefit? Have you considered making some resolutions about driving?
Here are some New Year’s Resolutions related to driving that we’d like everyone to consider– as a matter of making Springfield a safer place to drive:
Keep Your Car Clean. As unbelievable as this may sound, a clean car is a car that you are less likely to wreck. The psychology is there, though: you will take fewer chances with a car that looks clean and neat. Beyond that, there are the health benefits of not having collected dust and allergens bothering you, as well as preventing rot and mold from making you ill. And primarily, because a clean car is courteous to passengers and says something good about YOU, which is the most significant benefit of all.
Vow to End Your Distracted Driving. Even a quick glance at a message is dangerous. If your car is older and can’t route your messages through the dashboard or the entertainment system, then keep it out of your reach while you drive to keep you from making a potentially fatal mistake.
Be the Best You Can Be On the Road. Driving is a reactive experience, but it doesn’t require an emotional reaction. Don’t be in a race, even when late. Obey traffic laws (pass on the left, stay close to the speed limit, don’t tailgate, don’t brake-test) and don’t take it personally when someone doesn’t respect traffic laws around you.
Get Rid Of That Junk Car. If you have an old car that’s in your way that you can’t work up the interest to fix for sale, maybe it’s an excellent time to donate it? Consider your local Veterans association or your local Rotary. Both work with charities that can rebuild your old vehicle and sell it to raise money for people in need.
Don’t Neglect Your Car’s Upkeep Maintenance. Either learn to do some essential maintenance yourself or commit to bringing your car to your mechanic for regularly scheduled maintenance— not just when there’s a strange noise, and you know you need it looked after. Get the fluids topped up twice a year, and get an inspection on those visits, so that the mechanic can give you a head’s up about the problems you’ll likely see in the next six months. And extend your car’s life with a fluid exchange where you can.
Our Lifetime Protect Plan is a key piece in our goal to get your vehicle to 300,000 miles and beyond. Let us show you how to get 300,000 miles or more out of your car with proper maintenance. Click here to learn more about the plan, or call Complete Automotive for more details. And for shop updates, don’t forget to Like our Facebook page (or our Complete Automotive South page). You can find Complete Automotive at 2238 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO, 65802, and Complete Automotive South at 3220 S Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO; our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Timely Professional Affordable Auto Service? Complete Automotive can help with that!