You’ll hear it all the time: Preventive maintenance.
But what does that mean, exactly?
When we were kids, our parents told us to take care of our toys. We can remember our parents encouraging us to be more “gentle” with our more expensive toys due to fear we would break them. You can relate, right?
As adults, we all eventually learn that when you take care of your equipment, your equipment takes care of you. That is why you have to sharpen your knives and scissors every so often. That is why you have to upgrade your smartphone’s software. That is why you need to replace your vacuum cleaner bag when it gets full. That kind of stuff is how we generally take care of our belongings so they will continue to serve us for a long time.
The same can be said of your vehicle. When you take good care of your fleet of family or work vehicles, they can better take care of you. Preventive maintenance gives you peace of mind, knowing that you are taking proactive measures to protect the life of your vehicles. Preventive maintenance means scheduled repairs BEFORE those leaks get bigger, BEFORE a hose or belt breaks, and BEFORE your tires wear out. After all, no one -- we don’t care who you are or how much you feel comfortable about fixing cars -- wants to ever find themselves in a broken down car on the side of the road or on a tow truck. No one ever wants that. Ever.
That is why we encourage all of our clients to take a preventive maintenance approach. When you know that your vehicle has been thoroughly inspected during its last factory-recommended major or minor service, you can feel confident when you take that last-minute road trip. With preventive maintenance, you lower the risk of your brakes not stopping fast enough, your radiator overheating, or your tires having a blow out.
This is NOT to say that preventive maintenance assures you will NEVER have an auto repair issue surprise you. No, that’s not what we are claiming. But what we are saying is this: Preventive maintenance gives you peace of mind because you’ll know what repairs your vehicle does and doesn’t require right away. Preventive maintenance allows you to catch those repairs when they are still minor, and are at a lower cost. Preventive maintenance helps lower the risk of catastrophic and expensive repairs. Preventive maintenance gives you confidence that you can safely transport yourself and your passengers where you need to go and arrive on time to your destination without any mechanical failures or surprises.
Okay, so what would happen if you did all of this preventive maintenance with Complete Automotive in Springfield, MO and something DID go wrong? How would we handle it? That’s easy! We offer a nationwide, 3-year / 36,000-mile warranty on our work. Plus, our Lifetime Protect Plan is helpful in our goal to get your vehicle to 300,000 miles and beyond. Let us show you how to get 300,000 miles or more out of your vehicle with proper maintenance. Regardless of what happens, our auto repair team is here to serve you with high-quality repairs and service.
Why do we care so much about preventive maintenance? Simply put, it’s because we deeply care about YOU. We want you to be able to go about your busy day in a reliable car. We want you to never miss an important meeting or road trip because of your vehicle. We want to share our talents and skills as auto mechanics and service advisors so we can make auto repair as stress-free an experience as possible. After all, we love what we do and it shows!
When your vehicle requires service or repair, contact Complete Automotive today to schedule an appointment. Our family-owned and operated business truly cares about your vehicle and your safety. We hope you will accept our invitation to come in and see what our customer service experience is like. We look forward to seeing you soon!