Photo by Enis Yavuz on Unsplash
Welcome to the June blog! It’s National Tire Week, from June 28th to July 4th. With so many people hitting the road this year to enjoy fun in the sun, this is the time to remind the average driver of the importance of their tires to a safe journey for themselves and everyone else they encounter.
If you’ve ever heard the expression “where the rubber meets the road,” you know the importance of tires to your vehicle. The entire scope of movement you’ll make with your tires depends on good tires for safety, comfort, and stability.
Here are the three most essential things Complete Automotive does with tires:
Rotate -- tire rotation is about prolonging the life of your tires by switching the order of their placement on your car to ensure that higher wear in one direction is mitigated. With a front wheel now on the back opposite side, the wear and tear it will face will be different than what it would experience if you’d left it in place. It’s an inexpensive, quick operation that should be done with every other oil change.
Balance -- this is more about economy than safety, but your tires can become imbalanced and begin to resist the thrust you are putting into them. Auto mechanics use weights to get tires balanced in good harmony with the complete set.
Align -- your car’s alignment is a definite safety concern, as a misaligned vehicle can shake itself apart at high speeds.
Before you head out for summer fun on the open road, be sure to stop by Complete Automotive for a check-up on your car’s health. And if you’re ready for the kind of preventive maintenance that carries your vehicle well into its senior years, don’t forget to take advantage of our Lifetime Protect Plan. Our Lifetime Protect Plan is helpful in our goal to get your vehicle to 300,000 miles and beyond. Let us show you how to get 300,000 miles or more out of your car with proper maintenance. To hear more about the plan, click here, or call Complete Automotive for more details. Complete Automotive can be found at 2238 E. Chestnut Expy, Springfield, MO, 65802; our hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Timely Professional Affordable Auto Service? We Can Help With That!