Before those holiday road trips, it’s wise to have knowledgeable auto mechanics inspect your vehicle so you and your family feel secure on the roads. During your lifetime, a car is one of the most expensive items that you’ll buy. Maintaining the inside and outside of your automobile will extend the life of your automobile and protect your investment. In short, a properly maintained car will keep you safer. Having your vehicle maintained regularly will make sure that all is running well and eliminate scenarios that could keep you stranded.
There are many benefits to a well-maintained vehicle. Not only will a dependable car give you and your family some peace of mind, but it will save you hefty repair costs down the line. Preventive maintenance is even healthy for the environment because a healthy emission system doesn’t emit harmful gases. Here are some things that the team at Complete Automotive suggest that you have inspected before you take off on that holiday trip!
The Filters:
It’s important to have fuel and air filters checked by professional auto mechanics. Oil filters need to be looked at and changed regularly especially if you live in a dusty climate. Air filters that are dirty increases the emissions from the gas and fuel consumption.
Alignment and proper air pressure are key to get the most out of your vehicle’s tires. This will allow your tires to last longer so you can avoid the hassle of having them changed.
The Tune-up:
Most tune-ups involve replacing the spark plugs and filter. Making sure that the emission components are functioning well is usually parts of tune-ups as well.
The Belts and Hoses:
Regular belts and hoses are necessary because your car will be disabled if they are not properly functioning. All belts and hoses need periodic changes because the rubber is prone to deterioration because of the heat. It’s also important to check the brake hoses during brake system maintenance or when wheels are removed.
The Fluid Levels:
Transmission fluid, brake fluid coolant, power steering fluid need to be checked periodically. Also, you want to be sure there are no leaks or breakages.
Before you take off on your winter holiday, the team at Complete Automotive is happy to offer preventive maintenance on your vehicle so you can get to your destination safely. We pride ourselves on being the leader in the automotive industry due to our expert car service repairs and outstanding customer service. Our knowledgeable technicians are the best in the industry and have you covered. If you’re interested in having us service your vehicle, please contact us. We are located at 2238 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802./p>