With all the festivals happening in Missouri this fall, the team at Complete Automotive wants you to get to your destination in our great state safely. Should you and your family want to celebrate the fall season with a day trip close to Springfield, we have some fun recommendations in nearby Camdenton and surrounding areas.
1) Every day through October, stunning Bridal Cave & Thunder Mountain Park in Camdenton, Missouri will be open for an exciting Fall Festival. Enjoy smores, pumpkin fudge, caramel apples, duck races, a hale bale maze, and more fall-centric treats! Relax by the fire pits and enjoy live entertainment before you pick out your favorite pumpkin among the thousands that will be lining the pumpkin trail.
You can also enjoy the following:
- Pan for gemstones
- Feed the giant fish
- Enjoy the Corn Crib
- Join the Duck Races
- Play jumbo Tic-Tac-Toe
- Toss bean bags
2) During the weekend of October 20th, visit the Camden County Museum for the Apple Butter Days & Fall Festival, there will be a variety of items being showcased by the craft vendors. Admission is free and with a donation, enjoy some homemade soup and chili. Enter the raffle and watch the craft demonstrations. Be sure to bring home a homemade apple pie!
3) On October 28th, the Lake of the Ozarks Woodcarvers Show is being held at the Community Christian Church in Camdenton Missouri. Watch expert woodcarvers demonstrate their art and perhaps you’ll win a door prize! If you’re a wood carver yourself, you’ll be interested in knowing that basswood, butternut, and cottonwood will be available to purchase.
Here are two recommendations for you and your family if you’re interested in getting to the water for your fall adventure day trip.
- 17th Annual Osage Beach Fall Festival on Oct 14, 2017, in Osage Beach, Missouri
- Lake Regional Cares For Kids Festival on Oct 21, 2017, in Osage Beach, Missouri
Before you’re off to an autumn celebration, we at Complete Automotive are happy to service your vehicle so you can get to your destination safely. We pride ourselves on being the leader in the automotive industry due to our expert car service repairs and outstanding customer service. Our knowledgeable technicians are the best in the industry and have you covered. If you’re interested in having us service your vehicle, please contact us.. We are located at 2238 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802.