Posted on 8/1/2019

As the return to the school year quickly approaches, it’s a good time to think about back-to-school automotive maintenance. Not only do we not want to see you sitting on the side of the road with a car full of kiddos who are now late for school, but we also want you to be able to keep everyone safe around you. Let’s take a look at what are some great back-to-school auto maintenance items. Brakes: you want to make sure your brakes can stop on a dime. Look out for brakes that are squishy, squeal, or are difficult to push to the floorboard. If there are any indications your brakes aren’t working at their very best, this is the time to have them checked out by professionals. Tires: look for tread depth, general wear and tear all around, and tire pressure. When any of these are off, it can affect your drivability as well as your ability to stop as quickly as necessary. When your tires are at their optimum, they can also help you get the most out of your gas mileage ... read more