Posted on 8/31/2020

You’ll hear it all the time: Preventive maintenance. But what does that mean, exactly? When we were kids, our parents told us to take care of our toys. We can remember our parents encouraging us to be more “gentle” with our more expensive toys due to fear we would break them. You can relate, right? As adults, we all eventually learn that when you take care of your equipment, your equipment takes care of you. That is why you have to sharpen your knives and scissors every so often. That is why you have to upgrade your smartphone’s software. That is why you need to replace your vacuum cleaner bag when it gets full. That kind of stuff is how we generally take care of our belongings so they will continue to serve us for a long time. The same can be said of your vehicle. When you take good care of your fleet of family or work vehicles, they can better take care of you. Preventive maintenance gives you peace of mind, knowing that you are taking proactive measu ... read more