Posted on 7/1/2017

It’s summer and the perfect time of year to hop in your car with friends and family and take that roadtrip. Cruising the open road gives us freedom, a sense of freedom, and the opportunity to experience joy alone or with those we love the most. Having your car stocked with the things that could make your trip safer and more fun is essential before you hit the road. The team at Complete Automotive has 10 “Must have” suggestions for you before you’re off for the adventure of a lifetime! OLD SCHOOLMAPS – Even though there are countless APPS that have electronic maps and directions, it’s always wise to have “old fashioned” paper maps on hand. Sometimes electronic map applications get a little fickle and can lead you in circles. Having a paper map on hand is a great precaution. SNACKS – To avoid extra stops and blood sugar crashes, it’s smart to keep some of your favorite non-messy snacks on hand. Fruit, cheese, and nuts are simple easy healthy choices. AAA – J ... read more