Posted on 1/1/2018

It’s true. Driverless cars are here. The revolution of the self-driving car is building—and will alter our everyday lives in ways, major and minor. The transition may take longer than industry leaders had wished but its eventual impact on the world we live in is impossible to ignore. There are many reasons to get excited about an autonomous car. Driverless automobiles will eliminate distraction and human error, major causes of accidents. So basically, self-driving cars could save lives! Also, people who spend long periods driving will have the opportunity to use their time in the car for work or leisure. So when can we enjoy the benefits of the autonomous car? By 2020, driverless automobiles will start to be noticeable on the roads. It’s projected that 95% of new vehicles sold, will be fully autonomous by 2040. This means big business. Google, Tesla, and Apple are tech companies that take pride in combining software and hardware, the basics of ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2017

If there are people in your life who are bigtime car lovers, there are many auto-related presents you can consider for them. Here are some suggestions: “Porsche 911: 50 Years” There are so many wonderful automobile-related coffee table books out there, but for the Porsche enthusiast, it doesn't get much more intriguing than this. The reader gets to take an in-depth look at the models of the Porsche 911. What actually led to making one of the most epic brands in the history of automobiles? Read this book and find out! “The Man and Le Mans” (Documentary) This is a must watch for anyone who considers themselves to be an auto enthusiast. This documentary follows Steve McQueen's’ wild life in motorsports and the movies. The film dives deep into the behind the scenes and gives a greater understanding of his racing passion. Ultimate Exotic Car Racing in Las Vegas If the recipient of a holiday gift has plans to be in Las Vegas ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2017

Before those holiday road trips, it’s wise to have knowledgeable auto mechanics inspect your vehicle so you and your family feel secure on the roads. During your lifetime, a car is one of the most expensive items that you’ll buy. Maintaining the inside and outside of your automobile will extend the life of your automobile and protect your investment. In short, a properly maintained car will keep you safer. Having your vehicle maintained regularly will make sure that all is running well and eliminate scenarios that could keep you stranded. There are many benefits to a well-maintained vehicle. Not only will a dependable car give you and your family some peace of mind, but it will save you hefty repair costs down the line. Preventive maintenance is even healthy for the environment because a healthy emission system doesn’t emit harmful gases. Here are some things that the team at Complete Automotive suggest that you have inspected before you take off on that holiday trip ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2017

With all the festivals happening in Missouri this fall, the team at Complete Automotive wants you to get to your destination in our great state safely. Should you and your family want to celebrate the fall season with a day trip close to Springfield, we have some fun recommendations in nearby Camdenton and surrounding areas.1) Every day through October, stunning Bridal Cave & Thunder Mountain Park in Camdenton, Missouri will be open for an exciting Fall Festival. Enjoy smores, pumpkin fudge, caramel apples, duck races, a hale bale maze, and more fall-centric treats! Relax by the fire pits and enjoy live entertainment before you pick out your favorite pumpkin among the thousands that will be lining the pumpkin trail. You can also enjoy the following: Pan for gemstones Feed the giant fish Enjoy the Corn Crib Join the Duck Races Play jumbo Tic-Tac-Toe Toss bean bags 2) During the weekend of October 20th, vi ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2017

Although Complete Automatic works mostly with gasoline powered cars, we also service hybrids as they are becoming more popular. With the high gas prices and growing environmental issues, the hybrid is gaining more appeal. Our team is always up-to-date with the most current technologies. With any big investment, it’s wise to weigh the pros and cons. Hybrid Car Pros Hybrid cars emit fewer gases and burn less fossil fuel. When you drive to a stop, the gas engine doesn’t run so the car ends up burning less fuel. You’ll end up saving on maintenance since the car is not sensitive to engine overuse. Living in an urban environment involves slower driving. In these cases, hybrids might be a better option Hybrid Car Cons Although hybrids offer great fuel economy, they also are much more expensive than the traditional gas-powered vehicles of the same size. In most cases, hybrids do not fail frequently. When they do not function properly, repairs ca ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2017

The heat and the sun can cause damage to a car. There are many parts of a vehicle that are at risk. Whether you live in a place where the climate is warm all year or just doing the summer, it’s best to be prepared to keep your car protected from the sun. Protecting the exteriorWashing your car regularly helps remove dust particles and dirt that can cause scratches or dull your car’s finish. It’s also wise to wax your vehicle. A layer of wax between the sun’s ultraviolet rays and your vehicle’s finish helps with protection. A blowout on your automobile’s tires could occur during the extreme heat. Tires that aren’t properly inflated combined with hot pavement usually does not end well. You car’s manufacturer usually has recommendations for the tire pressure needed. Protecting the interior Parking in the shade is a simple way to protect your car from the heat. Your dash is less likely to dry and crack when your car is not in direct sunlight. You can also crack the ... read more
Posted on 7/1/2017

It’s summer and the perfect time of year to hop in your car with friends and family and take that roadtrip. Cruising the open road gives us freedom, a sense of freedom, and the opportunity to experience joy alone or with those we love the most. Having your car stocked with the things that could make your trip safer and more fun is essential before you hit the road. The team at Complete Automotive has 10 “Must have” suggestions for you before you’re off for the adventure of a lifetime! OLD SCHOOLMAPS – Even though there are countless APPS that have electronic maps and directions, it’s always wise to have “old fashioned” paper maps on hand. Sometimes electronic map applications get a little fickle and can lead you in circles. Having a paper map on hand is a great precaution. SNACKS – To avoid extra stops and blood sugar crashes, it’s smart to keep some of your favorite non-messy snacks on hand. Fruit, cheese, and nuts are simple easy healthy choices. AAA – J ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2017

This is an exciting time in the world to consider a career in the automotive industry. This high tech career can’t be outsourced overseas so auto repair is always in demand. In the past 30 years, there have been dramatic changes in auto repair. New state-of-the-art high-tech systems that didn’t exist 30 years ago are now the standard. There are also more changes coming along that include: Internet connections and voice recognition becoming more common More plug-in hybrids and electric automobiles Hydrogen fuel cell and other alternative fuel vehicles are becoming available There is a promising future in the auto industry for people with solid communication, math, science, and technical skills. Most high-tech positions require 4-8 years of education. After two years of education, one could be ready for a career in automotive technology. In the foreseeable future, there is ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2017

At Complete Automotive, our source of financing services is with a company called Car Care One (parent company is Synchrony.) The concept behind car repair financing is pretty cut and dry. Get your vehicle fixed now, then pay later. Car repair financing allows this because the cost of new (and used) cars has risen drastically. There are many benefits to choosing a financing option over a cash transaction, and it’s a credit card for your car! First off, it gives you the opportunity to repair your vehicle when you wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford repairs. Applying for car repair financing through Synchrony is a quick and painless process. As long as you’re prepared with the required information to prove where you work and live, you’re one step closer to securing auto repair financing! Through Synchrony, we offer 6 months — same as cash — financing for repairs and services, and that’s why financing the repai ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2017

April gives us many reasons to celebrate. In April, we can appreciate the beautiful Spring weather. Easter Sunday takes place on April 16th this year, where we gladly celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ; spending time with family and friends on this special day. April also happens to be National Car Care month, and it’s the ideal time of year to make sure that automobiles are running smoothly, safely, and in the condition that can put you at ease as you hit the road on these beautiful spring days and nights. Neglected vehicles are often the catalyst for dangerous scenarios on the road and hefty costs down the line. Complete Automotive is proud to be an auto service center that is part of the AAA Great Battery Roundup which is held in tandem with the Earth Day celebration. Scheduled April 17th-21st, the event encourages car, truck and boat owners to recycle their old batteries. If you want to take part in the AAA Great Battery Roundup and recycle your vehicle&r ... read more